
keepsafeKeepsafe Security LLC are contracted to perform security patrols 365 days per year throughout Sandy Ridge, however all criminal incidents should continue to be reported to the Sheriff's Department for official action

The private service will be carried out by unarmed officers patrolling in liveried vehicles and they will endeavour to deal with minor incidents and liaise with the authorities as appropriate for more serious matters. Additionally, Keepsafe will be providing additional, valuable services not possible through the Sheriff's Department to help us maintain our community in accordance with our Covenants and Restrictions

We have security camera systems installed at both entrances capturing tag plates as vehicles enter and leave Sandy Ridge. This system has already proven effective in the apprehension of wrongdoers. The camera systems are maintained by Safeguard Maintenance Inc.

It is our objective to demonstrate that we are determined to curtail illegal activities and we hope that the extended patrols will further enforce this alongside the entry camera systems. Jointly the intention is to increase security and deter potential criminals from breaking and entering, criminal damage and theft

We continue to strongly recommend that all owners and visitors to Sandy Ridge ensure that their vehicles are properly locked and that nothing is left on display that might encourage thieves. Also, it is still sensible for responsible owners to fit an alarm system to their homes and for these to be used as a matter of course.

The lot on which your property stands belongs to you and is therefore private. Except for officials and contractors carrying out their designated duties it is illegal for other individuals to tresspass. There have been suggestions in the past that would be burglars may pose as seemingly innocent vacationers strolling through the community around homes, but in reality looking for opportunities where homes may be easy targets. We therefore urge you to challenge anyone you do not know and to report any suspicious activities

Keepsafe Security may be contacted on 1-888-883-5844

Polk Sheriffs Department number is 1-863-533-0344