Welcome to the Sandy Ridge HOA official website

Welcome to our updated website introduced July 26 2011 which we have given a fresh new look. Initially you will find similar information as before, but we hope to add to this as time goes by

All owners of the 365 homes on the Sandy Ridge sub-division are members of the Homeowners Association more commonly referred to as the HOA. Under Florida legislation, each HOA must be represented by a Board of Directors who are themselves homeowners in our community; these Directors are not paid for the work they do for the community and receive no other benefits

The primary objective of the HOA Board is to work in partnership with all Sandy Ridge owners (Association members) and contractors to make our sub-division one of the most attractive in which to stay in the Orlando area

We have established this website to provide access to information which is posted to keep owners, visitors and renters alike advised on issues related to Sandy Ridge and additionally offer help to owners based on experience gained by others. It also offers an effective means of communication. Please remember though that our site is designed and managed by the Board on a voluntary basis. We are not IT professionals and cannot guarantee the site will not have issues from time to time. We would therefore appreciate it if, as members of the HOA, you would like to offer constructive comments and suggestions to improve content, etc.

While we may mention individuals and/or companies on this site we cannot and do not recommend, promote or otherwise endorse any individual, company or service through publication unless clearly and specifically advised as such

Members are responsible for actions taken using information provided on this site and are advised to confirm all information prior to it's use. All information shown on this site is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time published

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