Current News and Information

28/02/2012Trespass and Private Property
We have recently been receiving a growing number of reports of individuals walking across home lots throughout Sandy Ridge

All owners should be aware that every home on Sandy Ridge including the surrounding grassed area is private property and that anyone walking across a property not belonging to them without the permission of the owner is committing trespass

Trespass is an offense and anyone suspected of trespass may find themselves the subject of police enquiry and potential arrest

While some owners may feel that it is not a serious issue, it is most likely that persons wishing to break into your home would appear as innocent vacationers just walking through our community, however, in practice they may well be looking for an opportunity

It is therefore in all our best interests to make sure that anyone staying in our homes is made clearly aware that they may not trespass on other people's property and to do so may result in being arrested

19/01/2012Wild Pig Damage
As many owners will already be aware, at the moment many of us are experiencing significant damage to our properties from wild pigs that come from the surrounding conservation land. These animals are rooting through the ground tearing up the grass in search of food. The HOA, however, is not responsible for the actions of any wild animals. It is understood that this is a particular problem throughout the area this year and other communities are also suffering abnormal levels of damage.

The background to this issue is that we purchased our properties in the middle of conservation area that is teeming with wildlife and there are strict laws preventing any of us from impacting that conservation area in any way. Unfortunately this gives us the situation where something that on the one hand is a bonus and can be used to promote our community, on the other can be a real problem from time to time when damage like this occurs.

Although we are not in a position to answer questions with any certainty as yet, we are in contact with the authorities and potential contractors with the objective of trying to have the animals captured and removed.

Once we have obtained the necessary information and/or authority and contracted for removal, owners should note that due to the nature of the matter, there is no guarantee that all the animals can or will be captured or that other animals will not roam into Sandy Ridge in the future and cause further damage.

More information will be posted here as soon as we have something to advise.

04/01/2012Christmas Tree Trash Pickup
Please note that Republic will remove/pick up Christmas trees on a regular trash schedule if the tree is cut less than 5ft long

Inquiries may be directed to Republic Service at 863-665-1489

04/12/2011Telephone Directories
New telephone directories have been distributed through Sandy Ridge in the past few days and where homes are currently unoccupied these have been left in sight near the front door. We recommend that you arrange for your home to be checked and any such directories moved as their presence shows the home to be empty and could encourage unwanted interest.