About Your Homeowners Association

Home Owner Associations (HOAs) are common throughout USA and exist to look after a variety of aspects for the whole community including landscaping, cable TV service, security and retention ponds maintenance. Every owner (or collective of owners where several individuals jointly own a home) is a member of the association so in our case we have three hundred and sixty-five. From these owners we elect a Board of Directors, an Architectural Review Committee and a Fines Appeal Committee with roles defined in our Covenants and Restrictions

The association employs several outside contractors to deal with the aspects mentioned above plus a community management company. The contracts are reviewed periodically and the contractors may be changed from time to time. Information about these contracts may be found on this site

We ask all HOA members to support your HOA and help us maintain and improve Sandy Ridge as an excellent community both to live in and to visit

  • Board of Directors
  • Architectural Review Committee
  • Fines Appeals Committee
Every Homeowners Association has a Board of Directors who are themselves owners in the community. The Board Directors who are commonly referred to as "The HOA" carry out their duties on an entirely voluntary basis, completely in their own time alongside their 'day jobs' with no reward or benefit. We are not employed by the Association or owners but giving our own time to help other owners so please bear this in mind if you contact us

Our Covenants determine we must have three directors. The Board manages all Association matters on behalf of the members and deals directly with the various companies and individuals employed to look after our property. Board Directors are elected from the membership and serve for a term of two years after which a new election must be held. Directors may offer themselves for re-election alongside new candidates. Our Covenants dictate the proportion of votes required to elect a new Director

The current Board is:
John Handcock
Roger Metcalfe
Wayne Sechler

Any changes made to property visible from outside, whether it is just a repaint in the same colour, adding new plants or trees or maybe something more significant must be approved by the Association. We have an Architectural Review Committee (independent of the Board) to consider applications and formally confirm whether the change can be made. Any change made that has not been approved by this committee constitutes a violation and unless rectified may be the subject of a fine or even be required to be removed. The standard ARC application form can be obtained from Sentry Management

We are currently looking for two new ARC members. If you would be interested in one of these positions, please contact our CAM at Sentry Management who will be happy to give you more information on what is involved

The Covenants and Restrictions for Sandy Ridge specify aspects that are not allowed and these are known as violations. Violations may be noted by a variety of means including our CAM from Sentry Management, our security team from Keepsafe, our landscaper crews from Davey Tree or indeed owners themselves where they see something wrong and report it. Sentry have a standard procedure for dealing with violations where the relevent homeowner is notified of the violation in writing, then there may be reminder notices after a fixed number of days if the issue is not corrected followed by a fine which may be from $100 per day once it gets to this stage. If the fine is not paid within the stipulated timeframe it becomes a lien against the property and may ultimately result in foreclosure.

In accordance with Florida statutes we have a Fines Appeals Committee (independent of the Board) who meet every month to hear any owner that wishes to appeal against the violation giving appropriate evidence in support. The current Committee is: